For our next climbing trip, we will be heading to the Peak district for the weekend to sample some of the fantastic gritstone climbing that it has to offer.
We will be staying at the Carlswark Cottage that is owned and run by the Derbyshire Pennine club. This hut is in the perfect location for climbing as it is only a matter of minutes from the closest crag!
***You must be able to lead belay for this trip. If you cannot already, please make sure to head to the awesome walls sessions running on Wednesday afternoons for the next two weeks. Please speak to Bethanie Rushworth if you are interested in coming along, or cannot make a Wednesday session***
Essential Kit you MUST have:
- Waterproof jacket & trousers
- Headtorch and spare batteries
- Warm Layers
- Waterproof boots/approach shoes
- Hat and gloves
- Sleeping bag
- At least a one litre bottle which can be filled up at the hut
- Day bag for trips to the crag
- Clothes for two days and nights
- If you have any climbing gear of your own then please bring it along.
To keep things nice and simple we will split into food groups of between 4-6, and stop at a supermarket on the way down to pick up food for the weekend. Feel free to do the same for breakfasts and lunches too.
We will be shopping for 2 breakfasts, 2 lunches and 2 evening meals. We will not need food for Sunday evening as we will be back in Liverpool.
All climbing gear can be provided!
Tickets will be available from 8PM on Sunday 4th March and will cost £35.
Pickups - We will be running pickups from Carnatic, Greenbank, Smithdown Asda and the Guild. The pickup times will be approximately 5:30 PM.
Hope to see you all there for a great weekend climbing!
"I've tried many sports, but climbing is the best. The beauty of this sport is that no matter how good you get, you can always find a way to challenge yourself." - Randy Leavitt
England and Wales, United Kingdom